Balsa Update and General Thank You
As our first major project, we’ve decided that Balsa will work to repeal the Jones Act. That is a big swing, and we are small. We feel that the current approaches in Jones Act reform are flawed and that there’s an opportunity here to really move the needle (but, if it turns out we’re wrong, we will pivot).

Gathering Support
By focusing first on and funding first the non-campaign, fully non-partisan steps of getting the policy house in order and setting an actually effective and politically practical positive agenda in motion that would improve the lived experience of the average American, we can bring in support from those with an understandable reluctance to start funding zero-sum political fights and taking a public stance.

A Better Way
What would one do differently, if one’s focus was not on who got the credit or which side was helped in a partisan struggle, but instead focused on what would improve the lives of citizens?

Why Balsa Research is Worthwhile
There are several entire ecosystems of think tanks and political activists seeking to make their case, have their voices heard and enact change. We have no shortage of such projects, from all sides: Left wing and right wing, statist, liberal and libertarian. Some generalize while others narrow their focus.
Almost none of them are taking actions designed to cause change. That is not what gets them or their employees more status or more funding. That is not what their organizational memory or culture says to do.

Announcing Balsa Research
What are the most important policy changes America should make and how can we make them happen?